职称:副教授 电话: 邮箱:Loudeyuan@hbut.edu.cn 学历:博士 |
硕/博士导师:硕士导师 团队信息:激光绿色制造技术 研究方向:激光加工技术与装备 研究生情况: 已毕业9名,在读6名 |
江苏邳州人,72886必赢欢迎光临副教授,研究生导师。全国激光修复技术标准化委员会委员,从事激光加工技术及其装备的研发。承担各级科研课题31项,发表论文50余篇(SCI/EI 收录近30篇),授权发明专利13项。专业课程负责人,承担本科、研究生、留学生课程多门,出版教材3部。
3.Deyuan Lou, Teng Li, Jian Cheng, Qibiao Yang, Qing Tao, Dun Liu, et, al. Superhydrophobic/ superhydrophilic hybrid copper surface enhanced micro heat pipe by using laser selective texturing[J], ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2021, 10(11):113005. (SCI, EI)
4.Deyuan Lou, Bo Wang, Jian Cheng, Qibiao Yang, Qing Tao, Dun Liu, et, al.Effect of heat treatment on wettability and condensation heat transfer of laser-textured stainless steel surfaces[J], Physica status solidi (a)-applications and materials science, 2021, 219(2): 1-8. (SCI, EI)
5.Deyuan Lou, Enkang Liang, Dun Liu. The Effect of Dimple Overlap on Wettability and Corrosion Resistance of Laser-Textured Stainless Steel[J]. Crystals, 2022, 12, 695. (SCI, EI)
6.Deyuan Lou, Shen Mei, Jian Cheng. Effect of stabilizing heat treatment on condensation heat transfer performance of laser micro-nano textured copper surface[J], Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56: 3981-3994. (SCI, EI)
7.Liu Fenghua, Lou Deyuan, Liang Eenkang, et al. Nanosecond Laser Patterned Porous Graphene from Monolithic Mesoporous Carbon for High-Performance Solar Thermal Interfacial Evaporation[J]. Advanced Materials Technologies.2021, 6, 2101052. (SCI, EI)
8.Deyuan Lou, Qibiao Yang, Dun Liu. The Effect of laser scanning speed on microstructure and performance of Cr3C2-NiCr cermet fabricated by in-situ laser processing[J], Materials Science (Med), 2021, 2 : 167-174. (SCI, EI
9.娄德元,刘庆,翟中生,郑重,成健,刘顿,等. 激光选区微织构增强不锈钢表面冷凝传热[J],表面技术,2019,48(11): 202-210. (EI)
10.Deyuan Lou, Dun Liu, Bennett Peter. Effect of ball milling on the microstructure and performances of laser clad forming Cr3C2-NiCr composites[J], Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2019, 25: 448-453. (SCI, EI)
1.娄德元,熊厚,关来庆,等,一种利用短脉冲激光制备黄铜超疏水自清洁表面的方法,2017.07.07, 中国,ZL201510284834.4
2.娄德元,刘顿,陈列,杨奇彪,翟中生,彼得.贝内特,陶然,贺春林。一种WC-金属复合材料结构件的激光成形方法,2014.04.02, 中国,ZL103691949A.
3.娄德元,陶小红,胡勇涛,刘顿,陈列,杨奇彪,翟中生,彼得.贝内特,陶然,贺春林,一种激光3D打印机的粉体自动循环系统,2014.10.27,中国, ZL201420624863.1
4.贺春林,娄德元,才庆魁,马国峰,李海松,张金林. 一种耐磨耐高温氧化NiCr-Cr3C2金属陶瓷涂层的制备方法, 2012. 06, 中国,ZL201010578903.x